Pictured left - right; Mrs Joanne Hastings (FEHQ Committee Member) PC Jenna Hastings (FEHQ Secretary) Mrs Jan Heath (FEHQ Membership Coordinator) From 6:30hrs on Saturday 12th May 2018, some of the FEHQ team made it to Windsor to show support to those members who were competing and representing their individual services. We flew the flag as ...
After a date change due to adverse weather our numbers dropped for our competition but a good few members still managed to come out and get involved. With a win for PC Seonaid Watkins of Bedforshire Police in the Intro, a win for both Dawn Handley & Julie Skidmore in the Prelim and a win for Charlotte Bagshaw in the Novice, there were lots of ...
Well what a weekend and with so many of our members out and about and achieving so many great things, we thought it only fair that we let you all know about them! PC Charlotte Lee of Dorset Police and her horse Zarina make it as a Grade A Show Jumper! "We finally made it to Grade A! And what a start to the year it's been ?My first ever grade A ho...
Forces Equine have been invited to bring members to the Festival of Champions at Harrogate Riding Centre, HG3 1PW on Thursday 25th October 2018 and with the chance of the wining club taking away the £500 cash prize! The selection will come from our leagues and we believe that the schedule will include 0.60m - 0.90m. Selection will be made fro...
Check out our latest newsletter Weekend Update Enter some description here... https://mailchi.mp/48e936083e7e/weekend-update
Our members have been out and about this weekend flying the FE flag and bringing home some fantastic results! With the Festival of the Horse qualifier at Epworth and 3 of our members attending, PC Jenna Hastings & Katie Baxter off competing in Dressage and FEYRA rider James Matthews out showjumping with his dad, FE member Graeme Matthews ...
Forces Equine was so proud to see Mrs Becks Kershaw's daughter Lillie Phillips in Native Pony Magazine and Becks even gave us a mention - well done ladies and thank you!
Check out our latest newsletter Trot on Tuesday with Forces Equine Enter some description here... https://mailchi.mp/f57e44dfeaed/trot-on-tuesday-with-forces-equine
Check out our latest newsletter 2018 Competitions Enter some description here... https://mailchi.mp/4135c7601513/2018-competitions
Hi Everyone BD Wales is now back to having just one RDO! After having the pleasure of Mari O'Connor working alongside me in January, Mari has now finished the maternity cover. I would like to take the opportunity to wish Mari every success in her next venture. She has done a fantastic job and had an integral role in achieving funding from Sport Wa...
NW Regional Training & Events 12th Feb - Pilates with Fit2ride - Cheshire 15th Feb - Pilates with Fit2ride - Shrewsbury & Telford 19th Feb - Training with Kate Cowell - Kings EC, Herefordshire 21st Feb - BD Youth Squad Test day - Sarah Dobell, Cheshire 21st Feb - Test Riding Clinic with Jaine Bailey, Reaseheath, Cheshire 25th Feb - BD Youth...
Congratulations to all those who were selected by Jess and her team to be Forces Equine Ambassadors for 2018 - we raise a glass to our lucky members! Click the link below to see who they all are.... Apply to become a brand ambassador A Forces Equine Brand Ambassador is a confident, independent thinker who loves horses, riding, Forces/Services equi...
Little Munden Equestrian. Bricket Wood, near St Albans / Watford Due to yard expansion, we have job vacancies for a full time livery groom and a part time livery groom. Full time – average 5 day week, excellent working conditions, competitive wages plus bonus, exercising of livery horses, regular riding lessons, 28 days paid holiday, training for e...
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the Northern Region Committee! There is plenty to look forward to in 2018 with two additional major BD Events, the Judges' Convention (17 April) and the Senior Home International (31 Aug - 2 Sept) being held at Bishop Burton Arena. We will also be holding a Northern Show on 23 - 24 June at Port R...
New Year - New Clinics! New exciting BD Wales training for 2018. Have a look and get these dates in your diary! Russel Guire - Biomechanics Clinic Centaur Biomechanics Rider Workshop with Russell Guire 11-12th January. Whitegate Farm, Flintshire. Rider Analysis - Improve your Riding & Horse's Way of Going 45min dressage/flatwork rider bioemchan...
Some of you will be aware that there has been talk of a new hat standard that was due to be introduced next year – a new BS/EN1384 2017. We have been talking about this at our recent Area Visits and Club Training days. Late last week we were made aware that this standard will now not be introduced anytime in the near future, and as such, WILL NOT b...
Forces Equine will shortly be launching the new Vulpes Medium Dressage League and Arena Eventing Leagues. These will both be back dated to the 1st October 2017, so if you have results for these leagues you will be able to submit them shortly. Watch this space!
Check out our latest newsletter Merry Christmas FE'ers Enter some description here... http://mailchi.mp/f8e506ca8e57/merry-christmas-feers?e=[UNIQID]