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Forces Equine Logo Web

Veterans League

1st April - 31st March

The FE Veterans League

Dressage League

1119McNAUGHTON SallySpotless lllNorth East
253HONESS MichellePolar FoxMidlands
343NICHOLLS VictoriaWyldes Blue MoonSouth East & East
415GOFF AdeleVelosoMidlands
511ROBINSON JoycelynGwynn Du MurphySouth West & Central
610PRICE AmandaPearlyMidlands
79WHITEHOUSE KayMasada LNorth East
8=4BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
8=4BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway LennonScotland
103HEATH FRENCH DebiDapper Dandy BMidlands
1130PRICE AmandaPearlyMidlands
273TONGUE KeeleyArctic VodkaMidlands
370WALL SarahDerryroane LadMidlands
447BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
521McNAUGHTON SallySpotless lllNorth East
615TONGUE KeeleySteely BMidlands
7=14GOFF AdeleVelosoMidlands
7=14ROBINSON JoycelynGwynn Du MurphySouth West & Central
912WHITEHOUSE KayMasada LNorth East
102BLACKBURN SarahGold LandisNorth East
1132WALL SarahDerryroane LadMidlands
245VINE CarolineDiamond BuffetMidlands
340PRESTON MichaelaFaside SupernaturalMidlands
422MATHIESON JackeCountessa GWales
512WHEATLEY LesleyDetroit GHNorth East
65TONGUE KeeleyArctic VodkaMidlands
73TONGUE KeeleySteely BMidlands
158PRESTON MichaelaFaside SupernaturalMidlands
234ROBERTS ElizabethSimply JoleneSouth East & East
317WHEATLEY LesleyDetroit GHNorth East
416TONGUE KeeleySteely BMidlands
515MATHIESON JackeCountessa GWales
610LOVEGROVE TraceyViceroys FernhillMidlands
74LANIGAN AdrienneSantorini lllNorth West
83VINE CarolineDiamond BuffetMidlands

New for 2024 with the Championship Final being held at #FEG2025.

This league comprises of both affiliated and unaffiliated scores within Show Jumping & Dressage, including online dressage scores achieved through our partners at Dressage Anywhere.

All scores go towards the "Veterans" Championships at #FEG (See Qualifications)

**NOTE. For security purposes, we have included areas that your place of works falls into, for more on this, please see our FE Areas. Please ensure that you let us know what area you come under.

The following may compete as Veteran Athletes:

1. Athletes may compete in the Veteran’s category from the beginning of April and the year in which they reach their 45th birthday.

2. Veteran Competitions are open to Athletes who, in the current year, have not taken part in any National Competition in which the level indicated in the Schedule for the initial round exceeds Intro, Prelim, Novice or Elementary. 


To be eligible for this league, Horse/Rider combination must not have competed at a National competition final within the past two years. This is a grassroots league ONLY.

60 - 61.99%2
62 - 63.99%3
64 - 65.99%4
66 - 67.99%5
68 - 69.99%6
70 - 71.99%7
72 - 73.99%8
74 - 75.99%9
76 - 77.99%10
78 - 79.99%11
80.00% +12

The top 10 in each league as at the 31st March will qualify for the Championships at #FEG.


The top 3 in each level will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze Champions at #FEG.

SHow Jumping League

1153BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
2123CLARKE JessicaFelicityMidlands
3107PRICE AmandaPearlyMidlands
482PRICE AmandaSpirals Second ChanceMidlands
519PRICE AmandaMr Hot ShotMidlands
611WHITEHOUSE KevinGood Golly Its Molly llNorth East
1121BOSANQUET ElinorDanaway MattyScotland
279PRICE AmandaSpirals Second ChanceMidlands
378CLARKE JessicaFeliciryMidlands
455ANDERSON LindaHoganMidlands
535PRICE AmandaPearlyMidlands
632PRICE AmandaMr Hot ShotMidlands
723TONGUE KeeleyArctic VodkaMidlands
815CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
911WHITEHOUSE KevinGood Golly Its Molly llNorth East
1147CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
275WALKLING RoystonTwists ToneschMidlands
313PRICE DeanNic SilverMidlands
411BLACKBURN SarahSteady LassNorth East
51FOLEY NicolaPrincess TiabeanieMidlands
154FOLEY NicolaPrincess TiabeanieMidlands
228CODD SusanneDiamond Diva llMidlands
315WALKLING RoystonTwists ToneschMidlands
513PRICE DeanNic SilverMidlands
69BLACKBURN SarahSteady LassNorth East

New for 2024 with the Championship Final being held at #FEG2025.

This league comprises of both affiliated and unaffiliated scores within Show Jumping & Dressage, including online dressage scores achieved through our partners at Dressage Anywhere.

All scores go towards the "Veterans" Championships at #FEG (See Qualifications)

**NOTE. For security purposes, we have included areas that your place of works falls into, for more on this, please see our FE Areas. Please ensure that you let us know what area you come under.

The following may compete as Veteran Athletes:

1. Athletes may compete in the Veteran’s category from the beginning of April and the year in which they reach their 45th birthday.

2. Veteran Competitions are open to Athletes who, in the current year, have not taken part in any National Competition in which the height of obstacles indicated in the Schedule for the initial round exceeds 0.70/0.75m, 0.80/0.85m, 0.90/0.95m, 1.00/1.05m. 

Course Specification: 

Courses for Veteran Athletes consist of eight to 12 obstacles.


To be eligible for this league, Horse/Rider combination must not have competed at a National competition final within the past 2 years. This is a grassroots league ONLY.

Attended (Not Placed)1

Double Clear - 5 Points


The top 10 in each league as at the 31st March will qualify for the Championships at #FEG.


The top 3 in each level will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze Champions at #FEG.

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Registered Company Number 08203892. Member of the ICO Registration Number ZA052121
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