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Jezz Palmer Dressage Clinic - Watford

Jezz Palmer Dressage Clinic - Watford

Jezz Palmer International Dressage rider competed up to Grand Prix. Lots of experience with young horses and young horse classes to advance horses. Jezz has won 31 regional titles and 6 national titles.

- £75.00 per person, per lesson, 10% OFF for a Forces Equine Member
lesson duration is 45 minutes


To claim your Forces Equine discount, please add the discount code within our members area (events & training discount section) at checkout.

Your time will be allocated to you once payment has been received & you have contacted Georgia.

Terms & Conditions of booking.

Once booked, if you cannot attend this training you will need to get someone to replace you. Refunds will only be given under extenuating circumstances, this includes a valid veterinary certificate for the horse that you were bringing for the clinic or a valid doctors note.


Event Information

Event Date 18-09-2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 18-09-2024 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 13-09-2024 11:55 pm
Individual Price FE Members 10% OFF
PoC to book your time slot Georgia Day
Contact No. 07766 768 488
Location Caldecote Farm, Nr Watford, Hertfordshire

We are no longer accepting any more registrations for this event

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