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PC Jenna Hastings, Forces Equine Brand Ambassador's first ODE with Trusty

​Report by Jenna Hastings - So so pleased with the boy today ??? months of planning to get to this point and happy to report the boy likes to event ???

Little bit spooky in dressage and it showed with rider riding like a numpty and holding on too much meaning marked down for lack of activeness and tense transitions - 34.3 was not a bad score though and shows what he is going to be capable of when he's seen more of the world

Next up, show jumping and I felt he had grown up a lot in this phase. One pesky pole down but so much to like from him here

Now the fun part, cross country ? well he stormed round!!! Sadly we had a run out at fence 8 - didn't lock on at all and clearly disgusted by how small it was!!! Rest of it was awesome though and he loved every minute of it - ears pricked all the way!
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